Artist, specialising in oil paintings of towns, historic buildings, human activity. Grew up in Cambridge, went to London University, moved to Kenilworth in 1984.


Shiny New Studio!

It's been a while since I blogged... so much has been going on but really that is no excuse. Although losing my dad last year was a major blow... So... back in September I moved into my new studio with fellow artist and excellent buddy Helen Woodcock. The old wooden...

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Emotional rollercoaster!

  It has been a week of sadness and great joy... a funny old week. A very dear friend, George, whom I used to visit several times a week, passed away relatively peacefully and with the best people around him, for which I am thankful. And my little grandson of 1 month,...

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How to get painting again!

I mentioned in my previous blog a challenge set by my studio buddy Helen Jayne Woodcock. After the initial shock of the first lockdown, exactly a year ago, I think most of us went into gardening or house redecorating mode. The atmosphere and the unfolding drama were...

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My Covid Challenge – A Very Strange Year.

During the first Lockdown, back in the early Spring of 2020, work came to a halt... or perhaps more truthfully, I came to a halt. The World had changed, and I found it impossible to settle to anything creative. The trouble is, when I am not creating, I don’t know what...

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Galleries currently selling Karen’s work:

Stapleford Granary. Bury Road, Stapleford, Cambridge CB22 5BP
Wingates Gallery. St Mary’s Road, Market Harborough LE16 7DU
The Farthing Gallery. 13 High Street, Kenilworth CV8 1LY
Kenilworth Books Ltd. 12 Talisman Sq, Kenilworth CV8 1JB
Leamington Art Gallery and Museum. Leamington Spa CV32 4AA

Contact Me

Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

15 + 11 =

Bank Studio 7, 13 High Street
Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1LY